7 · 6 · 2017

Arnaud S’Jongers

How would you define a perfect holiday?

I really like the idea of renting a mountain refuge for a week or two, skiing during the day, and drinking hot chocolate around a chimney at night. Another possibility would be to spend some time at the coast, with the worst weather imaginable.

What would your perfect ‘Blind date’ look like?

Not shooting darts I guess.
Oh… not that kind of blind?
Then I would probably take her to a nice restaurant and afterwards spend some time just wandering and talking. That should give her more than enough time to flee.

What movie, series, … represent(s) your life best, and why?

Not an easy one, I would probably not watch a movie or a series about myself. They would never manage to find the right actor… though Russell Crowe could probably match my looks.
I would go for Zombieland though. The things one can do when he gets out of his comfort zone are amazing… or end up failing in the funniest ways so I guess it’s still worth it.