6 · 1 · 2021

Bastiaan Deblieck

Which superpowers would you like to have for 1 day and why?

Mind reading, is a superpower that I, according to some people, already posses. So, if its for one day, I would appreciate to control the mind of others. To do what? Maybe declare world peace, universal love, … I will definitely not use that superpower like Killgrave, the mind controller in the Netflix series Jessica Jones.

Describe your most glorious moment in the past month.

Professionally? Have a fair and honest opportunity to propose the TenForce experience and expertise at Proximus and Eurostat.

What about your job makes you want to hit the snooze button?

Paperwork, formalities, expense notes, parking tickets, red tape, … If only we could do business with spit and a handshake.