27 · 6 · 2018

Employee for a day. Job Shadowing @TenForce

Hi, my name is Jane Michiels. Currently, I’m studying Office Management and on the 25th of May, I became an employee of Tenforce for one day!

I met Bastiaan Deblieck, the CCO, and co-founder of TenForce, at an open day at school. I was there to talk to potential new students when he asked if I would be interested in visiting his company and meet his Marketing & Sales team. He thought that it might be an interesting career track for me.

The TenForce  Experience

And so, I did. The atmosphere at TenForce is really nice. All colleagues are open, friendly people. They were all willing to explain to me more about their job and how the company works.
I was part of a big update meeting in which all the employees were introduced to GDPR and the changes it’s bringing. Yes, that GDPR law for which you received all the annoying emails, but which is nonetheless important for TenForce and us all.
In the afternoon, I also had the opportunity to be part of a meeting in which Bastiaan gave some tips and tricks for prospecting and making sales calls to us, millennials that would rather text than pick up the phone.

Thanks to my visit today, I did not only learn more about the sales and marketing process at TenForce, but I also felt the friendly atmosphere and experienced firsthand the culture of the company.

Thank you all for this great opportunity!
