20 ยท 4 ยท 2021

Liselotte Thijs

Meet Liselotte, our new Product & Content Marketer at TenForce, joining us to deep dive into the EHSQ universe while dreaming of travelling to Japan ๐Ÿ˜Š


You just won a plane ticket to an open destination, where would you go and why?

Definitely Japan! I’m curious to experience the combination between ancient Japanese tradition and modern technology. Preferably I would like to go during the Sakura season, when all the cherry blossoms are turning the sky pink. It would be like witnessing nature’s magic on full display.

Which superpowers would you like to have for 1 day and why?

I would love to be able to change into any animal I want. Imagine starting your day as a panda, rolling down hills and eating bamboo. Then, transforming into a leopard and being faster than anything else in the world. Finally, ending the day as a domestic cat in a loving household. Because let’s admit: unlimited food, lazy naps, and scratches behind your ears whenever you want? Sounds like a dream life to me!

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

When I was little, I wanted to become a super famous writer – like the Flemish J.K. Rowling. When reality caught up with me, I wanted to become the next best thing: a journalist. As you can see, there’s a pattern there. If it’s about putting words on paper, I’m your girl. Eventually, I realised I really wanted to write, but not live the life of a reporter. So now, as a Content Marketer, I can do the thing I love most in a professional context.


๐Ÿ‘‹Say hi! You can follow Liselotte on LinkedIn.